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7 Ways to De-Stress, the natural way at home..

As we hit the beginning of September, suddenly the end of the year is in sight. If your stress levels weren't already up with the current situations happening all over the world and in our own back yards, it maybe rising a little now..

Here is some very simple and super effective ways to de-stress at home in any situation.

1 - Sit in the sun

Its recommended in our Aussie climate, to be in the sun for around 20-25 mins in winter and around 15-20 mins in Summer. Its best to get your torso out in the rays as that's where your body is working at its best to convert the rays into a natural form of Vitamin D in our body. Also as a side note, for our body's to be more efficient in turning those rays into Vitamin D, we need to be sufficient in Vitamin C as well.

2 - Meditate

This can be hard for some, but never fear even 5 mins a day to start with is an awesome way to begin your new practise. There are some great apps and guided meditations out there in Google. My favourite app is "Calm", but I also love just googling new random ones.

3 - Take a Bath

I actually had one of these tonight with my magnesium bath salts. Its the best feeling and relaxes my whole body. Take in some tribal drum tunes or some forest sounds, or even better, double up and do your meditation in the bath!! Don't forget the glass of wine or as I prefer, Gin and Tonic and let all your worries soak away into the water.

4 - Write in a journal

This is something I use to do a lot of in my younger years, and have found my way back there of late. Grab yourself a beautiful journal book or just a simple notepad. I actually find it good to do in the evening if i have had a bad day, but i love writing in the morning also to inspire my day forwards.

5 - Listen to a podcast

I do love Oprah Winfrey's - Super Soul or a bit of Tony Robbin when I need some motivation. I also have Hay House Meditations and Cleaning up the mental mess with Dr Caroline Leaf. I haven't been listening much to my podcasts of late, i just might have to get back into them soon.

6 - Take a walk and have a stretch

Getting your body moving daily is one of my high priorities. Even if it's just a 10 min walk around the block, just get moving.. Did you know that studies show, a 20 to 30 min walk adds more oxygen to your brain, muscles and your body all over, therefore decreasing your stress hormones, increases your blood flow and strengthens your internal organs. If you walk for around 45 mins the brain starts to be more creative and thinking outside the box. Before, during or after your little walk, do a couple of little stretches. Double up, get a walk in, stretches and some sun, trust me, your body with thank you for it later.

7 - Take your cuppa tea or coffee outside and savour it

Have you ever just taken you cuppa outside and just listened to the noises around you? Even if the weather isn't so good, rug up and sit outside in the fresh air and enjoy your peaceful moment. I love sitting out under my veranda early in the morning, when the neighbours birds are singing in the trees, the air is fresh and crisp with my warm coffee. The best start to any day.

Make ever day magical


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